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In our last post, we talked about the Intcode virtual machine and designed a low-level IR to represent Intcode in a human-readable form. In this post, we’ll put together an interpreter to execute compiled Intcode programs.
The core of our interpreter is a struct that represents the virtual machine:
pub struct GenericIntcoder<Tape>
where Tape: Index<usize, Output=Int> + IndexMut<usize>
tape: Tape,
pub position: usize,
relative_base: usize,
inputs: Vec<Int>,
initial_data: Vec<Int>,
type Intcoder = GenericIntcoder<[Int; TAPE_LENGTH]>;
const TAPE_LENGTH: usize = 50_000;
type Int = i32;
This struct is ultimately pretty simple, but it looks intimidating because of the generics. In essence, the struct maintains a tape of some type, which is the “memory” for our program. The generic constraints require that the tape’s type be one that allows us to index it with usize
s to set and retrieve Int
s, which are an alias for i32
s. We declare an alias Intcoder
for the concrete version of the generic struct where the storage is provided by a fixed-length array. Using generics here adds some boilerplate (as you will soon see), but it makes it possible to adapt the program to use a dynamically sized Vec
or a sparse data structure, which is required for one of the Advent of Code problems.
In addition to the tape, the struct tracks the position of the current instruction and the relative base. It can also store inputs to be fed into the program when needed. This will allow Intcode programs to run in a non-interactive mode by supplying the necessary inputs up front. Finally, the struct remembers its initial state, which allows it to be reset conveniently.
Initializing a new Intcoder
is straightforward. The constructor expects an iterable of integers:
impl Intcoder {
pub fn new<T>(data: T) -> Intcoder
T: IntoIterator<Item = Int>,
let mut result = GenericIntcoder {
tape: [0; TAPE_LENGTH],
position: 0,
relative_base: 0,
inputs: Vec::new(),
initial_data: data.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
The call to reset copies the data from initial_data
to the tape. Note that this impl
block is not generic, because it needs to initialize a concrete instance of the tape.
For convenience, we will also add an alternative constructor that accepts a comma-separated string of int values:
pub fn from_int_str<S>(data: S) -> Result<Intcoder, ParseIntError>
S: AsRef<str>,
let ints = data.as_ref()
.map(|value| value.parse::<Int>())
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, ParseIntError>>()?;
To run the Intcode program, we define a core method tick
, which advances the program by one step. A single tick can produce a variety of results: a value to output, a request for input, the end of the program, or nothing at all. To represent these possibilities, tick
has the following signature:
fn tick(&mut self) -> Option<Interrupt> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum Interrupt {
We can then build on the tick
method to create a practical way to run an Intcode program in chunks:
pub fn run(&mut self) -> Interrupt
loop {
match self.tick() {
Some(Interrupt::Output(v)) => println!("Output: {}", v),
Some(interrupt) => return interrupt,
_ => {}
This method calls tick
repeatedly until an interrupt is thrown. Output interrupts are handled by simply logging the output, while other outputs are to be handled by the caller. Note that our implementation of tick
will handle InputRequired
interrupts if it has a stored input to provide. This allows a client to initialize an Intcoder
, provide whatever inputs will be required, then run the program to completion with a single call to run
All that’s left is to implement tick
. First, we define some helper methods to handle reads and writes to the tape:
pub fn read_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> Int {
self.read_absolute(self.position + offset)
pub fn read_absolute(&self, position: usize) -> Int {
pub fn write_offset(&mut self, offset: usize, value: Int) {
self.write_absolute(self.position + offset, value)
pub fn write_absolute(&mut self, position: usize, value: Int) {
self.tape[position] = value;
We then use these to define load
and store
fn load_from(&self, offset: usize) -> Int {
let target = self.read_offset(offset);
self.read_absolute(target as usize)
fn load(&self, offset_to_destination: usize, mode: Mode) -> Int {
match mode {
Mode::Immediate => self.read_offset(offset_to_destination),
Mode::Position => self.load_from(offset_to_destination),
Mode::Relative => self.load_from(self.relative_base + offset_to_destination),
fn store(&mut self, offset_to_destination: usize, mode: Mode, value: Int) {
let destination = self.read_offset(offset_to_destination) as usize;
match mode {
Mode::Immediate => panic!("Attempted to store in immediate mode"),
Mode::Position => self.write_absolute(destination, value),
Mode::Relative => self.write_absolute(self.relative_base + destination, value),
The load
and store
operation expect to receive the offset to a parameter from the relevant instruction together with an addressing mode and, for a store, the value to store.
Now we can start writing our tick
method, which consists of a single match
expression against the value at the current position on the tape:
match self.read_offset(0) {
99 => {
Some(Interrupt::Halt( self.read_absolute(0)))
inst if inst % 100 == 1 => {
let mut modes = Modes::new(inst);
let [v1, v2] = read_args(self, &mut modes);,, v1 + v2);
self.position += 4;
// Other instructions omitted
The special halt instruction is easy to handle. For other instructions, we use guard clauses to match on the last two digits of the instruction, which are the opcode. The snippet above handles an opcode of 1, which is ADD
. The first step is to extract the addressing modes from the instruction. Modes
is a simple iterator struct. When constructed, it discards the final two digits of its input. Its next
method simply yields and discards the final digit of its input, allowing us to easily cycle over the addressing modes of each parameter.
Addressing modes in hand, we read the arguments we need for the instruction, which we do with a helper function:
pub fn read_args<Tape, const N: usize>(coder: &mut GenericIntcoder<Tape>, modes: &mut Modes) -> [Int; N]
where Tape: Index<usize, Output=Int> + IndexMut<usize>
let mut result = [0; N];
(0..N).into_iter().for_each(|i| result[i] = coder.load(i + 1,;
The Tape
type parameter in the function signature is just noise, but the N
parameter is important. Notice that the function does not require the caller to pass the number of arguments to read a parameter. Instead, the compiler infers the number of arguments needed to match the requested return type. So when we write:
let [v1, v2] = read_args(self, &mut modes);
the compiler sees that it needs a function returning a size-2 array and generates an appropriate version of the function. But we can also write:
let [value] = read_args(self, &mut modes);
to process an output instruction, and the compiler detects that it should only read 1 argument.
Once the arguments are read, we do the necessary logic, store the result, and adjust the current position to the next instruction. The other instructions are handled similarly.
Now that we have some executable code, it’s a good time to talk about how it will run. For simplicity, we’re going to have a single binary that will bundle both the compiler and the interpreter. Command-line arguments will allow the user to determine whether the program compiles a source program to intcode, runs an already-compiled program, or both.
The code for the binary is fairly dull, and relies heavily on the excellent clap crate for creating CLI tools. Here’s the help-text generated by clap
<SOURCE> File to compile or run. File format will be inferred from extension
<DEST> Destination directory for compiled output. Filename will be generated from input filename
-e, --emit <EMIT> Code to emit [possible values: all, none, intcode, llir]
-h, --help Print help information
-r, --run Set to run the program after compilation
Now that we have an interpreter, we’re ready to write and execute a real program! Consider the following simple program, written in LLIR, which takes an input, multiplies it by 10, and outputs the result:
IN &a
IMUL #a 10
OUT &a
We can hand-compile this to:
0(03) &a
010(02) #a 10 &a
1(04) &a
ends up being at position 3, so the final code is:
0(03) 3
011(02) 0 10 3
1(04) 3
which uglifies to: 3,3,1102,0,10,3,4,3,99
. We then stick this code into a text file and run the CLI:
$ cargo run --bin icc -- -r ints/input_x_10.ints compiled
Compiling compiler v0.1.0 (C:\Code\compiler)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.09s
Running `target\debug\icc.exe -r ints/input_x_10.ints compiled`
Input required
Output: -810
In the next entry, we’ll work on automating the compilation from LLIR to Intcode.